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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hot Toys Captain America Civil War Iron Man Mark XLVI ... ...

This post took longer than it should to be published. I couldn't remember exactly when I purchased this and taken photos of it but it doesn't quite matter.

The standard diecast figure packaging has a nice box art featuring the Team Stark who fought Team Cap.

Mark XLVI is a bleeding edge armor featuring 28 micro arc-reactor nodes to channel faster fire rate for the repulsors.

As the RT nodes are micro, they are visible only in low light.

And I realised either I did not turn on the LED on the hand or did not insert the batteries.

Cap's helmet is included as part of the accessories with a badly bruised Tony's head.


deSMOnd said...

I believe putting in all the batteries is pain in the ass..

Jonloh said...

You can say that again man.